Sunday, August 5, 2007

Work Hard, No Money

I have been working REAL HARD for years now...and gaining lot of knowledge in the procees. Most of the times I am innovative best in the team at office and handle crucial responsibilities. I am given challanging assignments at work. But with time I have started realizing that anybody CAN do the work I am doing actully!! Things turn too manual finally....Plus I don't have the time to follow my hobbies (not a long list - there are 3-4 only, but yes there pieces of work I love to do). I am working full time, along with research activities, but yes sometimes I think of working less, part time job, and fulfilling hobbies better. Please note that anyway there are no special rewards for the challanging work I do, only more work..... Recently we carried out review of opportunities available today along with other subject experts. The key is knowing how and where to start. You too can have a look. The world is essentially for us, we can do what we really like to do, it's no more an artificial world, opportunities are just available, with less of confusion and Skepticism. Review Report (free access)

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